At CardioVascular Health Clinic, your vascular and cardiovascular health are our top priorities.
Our cardiology and vascular specialists offer experience and expertise in all types of heart and vein conditions, including common but often painful uterine fibroids.
If you’ve ever wondered, “what are uterine fibroids?” or need expert advice on uterine fibroid treatment, we can help.
Let’s discuss uterine fibroids in more detail, including what they are, common symptoms, and effective treatment options.
Fibroids are common noncancerous growths in or on the uterus.
As many as 3 out of 4 women will develop fibroids during their lifetime. In fact, most are unaware they have them.
Sometimes, doctors will incidentally discover fibroids during a routine pelvic or pregnancy exam and then refer their patients to a specialist to have the fibroids treated.
Fibroids develop from the smooth muscular tissue of the womb. They may grow slowly or quickly or stay the same size. However, if they get too large, they may start causing painful and life-altering symptoms.
Fibroid symptom type and severity differ from one woman to another and may include:
In many instances, women do not experience symptoms of fibroids at all.
While 70-80% of women will get uterine fibroids, most mistakenly think they are not at risk.
About 30% of women have never heard of uterine fibroids.
Of those diagnosed with fibroids, nearly 44% have never heard of Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) as an effective uterine fibroid treatment.
While any woman can develop fibroids, the following increase your risk:
The most effective minimally-invasive treatment is uterine fibroid embolization. This entire procedure is done while the patient is sedated through a tiny nick the size of a grain of rice.
Recovery time is just one week, so you can return to your life quickly and with less pain. In addition, since there is no incision, it heals with almost no scarring.
Other common treatments include:
For rare and severe cases, a hysterectomy may be recommended.
For women who do not experience any symptoms, most fibroid specialists will follow a “wait and watch” approach to monitoring fibroid growth.
The physicians at CHC are qualified to both diagnose and treat uterine fibroids.
If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms, uterine fibroid embolization may be your best option.
Don’t wait until they become larger. We are here to help you feel better sooner. Call us at (405) 701-9880 or book an appointment online today.