At CardioVascular Health Clinic, your heart and vascular health matter to us.
The cardiology and vascular specialists at CardioVascular Health Center are experienced in the full spectrum of heart arrhythmias, including bradycardia. We are committed to providing you with the best care possible.
We use only the latest technology in our state-of-the-art facilities to diagnose, treat, and prevent a wide array of vascular and cardiovascular conditions that may impede your quality of life, bradycardia included.
Let’s discuss bradycardia in more detail, including what it is, potential symptoms, and effective treatment options.
Bradycardia describes a heart rate lower than expected, specifically less than 60 beats per minute. It is a form of arrhythmia and is considered an abnormal heart rate.
A slower heart rate is not necessarily an issue, especially when resting or in good physical health.
Bradycardia may not always be a sign of bodily distress. Instead, it can result from a high level of fitness, meditative breathing, or even sleep.
Bradycardia may also result from a family history of slow heart rate or be a side effect of certain medications.
It can become a severe problem if the heart isn’t pumping enough blood.
Other causes of bradycardia include
In many people, bradycardia may show virtually no symptoms unless the body begins to feel the effects of poor blood flow.
Symptoms that your body isn’t getting enough blood due to bradycardia include
Bradycardia can be challenging to identify because the heart may go in and out of abnormal rhythms.
During your visit, one of our experienced physicians will perform an EKG to monitor your heart’s patterns, ask about your symptoms, and discuss your lifestyle and family history.
Depending on the severity of your symptoms and condition, we may suggest changes to any medications you are taking or possibly a pacemaker to regulate your heartbeat.
Don’t wait another day.
If you are concerned you or a loved one may be experiencing a slower-than-normal heart rate or are feeling any of the symptoms of bradycardia, call CardioVascular Health Clinic today at (405) 701-9880 or schedule your appointment with us online.